Happy New Year! I can’t believe it’s already 2020! You know what that means: it’s time, once again, to make a list of new year’s resolutions!
2019 was my first full year of motherhood, and, to be honest, it was pretty brutal. Not only did I face the extreme stresses that come with being a new mom, but I also had to deal with my daughter undergoing multiple surgeries and seemingly endless doctor’s appointments related to her PRS diagnosis. I’m so exhausted and truthfully I’m glad to put 2019 in my rearview.
Over the past year I’ve stopped making an effort in so many areas of my life because I was just trying to survive. This year I’m ready to press the “reset” button on everything and start fresh. In order to do that, I’ve decided on a few “New Year’s Resolutions” that I want to commit to. I don’t want to put a lot of pressure on myself, so I’m trying to make these goals easy to achieve. Here’s my list:
1. Take more photos with my camera

I have a great digital camera that my husband bought for me a few years ago when I originally started this blog. I’m reluctant to admit that I’ve only used it a handful of times since I got it. Having an iPhone camera on hand at all times is just too easy.
But I prefer my camera photos so much more. They are so beautiful and much better quality. They also look much better on this blog. And now that I have a wonderful subject to photograph – my daughter! – I don’t have any excuses not to use my camera more!
So the first of my resolutions is to use my camera to take more photos, especially of Josie. I love this goal because it will really give me something to look back on and cherish when the year ends.
2. Go on an adventure with Josie at least once a month

This resolution goes hand in hand with my first one. I want to take Josie somewhere fun and interesting at least once a month, and I want to use my camera to record the experience. This will be a great way for us to get out of the house together and try new things, for Josie to learn more about the world around her, and for me to fill up the SD card on my camera.
3. Start tracking my carbs and calories

Over the past year I have really stopped paying attention to my health. I’ve just been on “survival mode” and doing what I had to do to make it through each day. As a result I have not really lost any of my pregnancy weight and I have become extremely sedentary.
I don’t want to demonstrate poor eating habits for Josie. I also don’t want her to have an unhealthy mom who has low self-esteem and dreads having her picture taken. What I want is for Josie to see me as an example of self-love. This year I really want to start loving myself again.
The first step towards that goal is to start eating better. I have realized that I feel my best, have more energy, and experience less back pain when I follow a low carb diet. So this year for one of my resolutions, I will be tracking both my carb intake and daily calories to hopefully lose a bit of weight and feel better.
4. Get active at least once a week

This goal goes along with the one above. In order to start feeling better, I need to get a bit more active. I don’t want to jump into an intense workout program right away because I know that’s not sustainable for me, and I don’t want to feel like I’ve failed. So, at least to start, I’m making my goal simple – I want to do something active once a week. This can be swimming, hopping on the elliptical, or just taking a walk around the neighborhood with Josie. Anything that will get me moving again.
5. Make 5 “eco friendly” lifestyle changes

This is something I have been wanting to work on for a long time now. I have a lot of bad habits that are not very “green.” I really want to take steps to reduce waste and just be more friendly to the planet overall. So this year I plan to make 5 eco-friendly changes in my life. I haven’t decided exactly what these will be yet, but I’m sure a post detailing this adventure is forthcoming!
6. Post on my blog more!

This is a big one! Being a toddler mom, I find that I am often too busy or too tired to sit down and post to my blog on a regular basis. However, I really want this blog to become a helpful tool for other parents and women out there. Therefore, I am going to make an effort this year to create content more consistently. So plan to check back frequently because you’ll be seeing lots of new posts!
7. Write in my gratitude journal regularly

My husband gifted me a gratitude journal this past Christmas. I want to make it a point to use this tool regularly. The past year has been a very dark and pessimistic one for me unfortunately. I have a tendency to forget that there are still a lot of good things in my life. Hopefully this journal will help me to see the silver linings and find my happiness again.
8. Focus more on self care and hygiene

As I said before, I really prioritized “survival” over “self care” throughout the past year. I’m not at a healthy place in my life mentally or physically. So this year I want to prioritize my self care and hygiene a bit more – whether it be meditating, drinking more water, or simply making sure I floss every day.
9. Spend less time on my phone during the day

Hi, my name is Elizabeth, and I am a screen addict.
It’s hard not to be when you’re alone all day with a toddler. I find myself itching to fill the long boring hours with social media and iPhone games. But I don’t want my daughter to grow up seeing her mom’s face hiding behind a screen for most of the day. I want to put my phone down more and just be more present in Josie’s life.
10. Practice patience

In my opinion, my biggest flaw is my impatience. It is most pronounced when I’m tired, which, as a toddler mom, is pretty much 24/7. When I’m low on sleep, I become very short with people and very quick to anger. I hate being that way toward my loved ones. I especially don’t want to act that way toward my daughter when she gets older. So this year I will make a conscious effort to be more patient and understanding with everyone in my life.
Well, those are my ten new year’s resolutions for 2020. I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself with these resolutions, so I’m going to take baby steps. I’m going to give myself a lot of grace as I approach these goals. I just have to remind myself that it’s a marathon, not a race, and personal growth doesn’t happen overnight.
So what are your resolutions for the new year? Did you accomplish all the goals you set in 2019? Let me know in the comments!